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....and many other thoughts about facilitation, coaching ( teams & individuals) and learning



Continuous Improvement

Updated: Mar 19, 2022

I conducted an internal 2-day training skills course in Shenzhen last week. I enjoyed the 2 days very much. I made new friends and learnt from the learners. Great experience!!

One learner raised in the class an expectation of knowing his own weakness. I want to further my answer here. I however do not want to focus on what weakness is identified in a single event. Instead some ideas about how to improve training skills continuously came to my mind. Specifically, there are 7. Let me share the first 3 here.

1. Invite feedback, real feedback – We need feedback to improve ourselves. Of course, the primary source is our L1 feedback. But it is often too general. As discussed in my previous post called “Obtaining Better Feedback” , we need to put extra effort in order to get quality L1 feedback. Other than L1, we can also gain feedback from the learners through other means – refer to another post called “Getting Feedback during a class” .

2. Get others to observe – Ask your colleagues to observe you whenever possible. Sometimes, your colleagues come to the training room to learn how to run the class, or to understand the learners. Ask them to do something extra – your own training / facilitation skills. I normally give them a piece of blank paper dividing into 2 column – ‘Things I did well to facilitate learning’ and ‘Things I can do better to facilitate learning’. Make the task simple and specific to them.

3. Observe others – Following the last point, the observers learn as well. You may simply pick up new techniques from the others. Or you may realise your own shortcoming when you witness the others making similar mistakes.

More to come.....

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