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....and many other thoughts about facilitation, coaching ( teams & individuals) and learning


  • David

RAC - Developing thoughts on-the-spot

Updated: Mar 5, 2022

Course: A SPIN selling course Date: 16-18 Oct 2007 Location: Sunny in Shenzhen, China Duration: 3 days # of Participants: 18 I am feeling: Good

Just finished the class. I was very happy with my natural tendency and ability to develop thoughts on-the-spot to help participants to learn – I found that the participants had difficulty to integrate all the SPIN concepts into practice during the role play. Though we had gone through concepts one by one, it is another story to put them together in use. I thus developed an integrated flow diagram. When I elaborated it to them, I was very happy to see nodding head and that some were writing it down.

Anyway, I am now on the shuttle bus from Shenzhen to Hong Kong for another class tomorrow. Bumpy road… cannot read too much!!

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