I was excited about what I experienced in an internal meeting conducted in India. Basically there were a few leadership development facilitators and operational colleagues discussing with logistic support colleagues on how to improve some operational processes. With a few of us being conscious about what is really going on, it turned into an action learning intervention – all worked on the stuff, and at the same time learned about leadership, ways of working, problem solving, etc. At least this is what I perceived. I could not help to share at the end that what happened was a great example of what I believe the future leadership development intervention should be. The beauty of such practice includes:
· Real stuff is being resolved
· As such, the return on the underlying developmental resources can be objectively measured
· The common problem of lacking line managers’ support on learning events no longer exists. It is real.
· People learn effectively with high learning transfer
The question is:
How to make it scalable? The facilitator has much more preparation work to do because each intervention can be very different. And we are asking a lot from the facilitator who needs to be resourceful and skillful. Able to intervent just in time with relevant concepts or tools…