'How did you manage to do this?'
I find myself asking this question more and more often in my coaching work. Asking this question (with a tone out of curiosity and...
....and many other thoughts about facilitation, coaching ( teams & individuals) and learning
'How did you manage to do this?'
The moment just before
‘Relations’ Rather Than ‘Parts’
Sherlock vs Dorothy
Appreciating Defense
Walking into the ‘Shadow’ Together
A Midwife for Team Effectiveness
Developing with and through others
Role – How a dog can ‘develop’ human
Role – Why me again fixing the Wifi?
Smoking can fix a lot of our (team) problems
Just the Person
Playing ‘Offence’ in Leadership Development
‘Games’…. in Cantonese
‘Zero collusion’ can be equally bad
Seafood Market – What is really going on?
‘Immunity to Change’ vs Psychodynamics
Why Team?
Demons in Gobi desert
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